Baptism is the first sacrament Catholics receive and the beginning of a person's relationship with Jesus Christ. Baptism is the one sacrament that all Christian denominations share in common. At Baptism we are sealed with an indelible mark as belonging to Christ. In the Sacrament of Baptism, we are welcomed into the Church and become children of God. Although many Catholics may be baptized as infants or young children, a person can be baptized at any age. During the Sacrament of Baptism, the immersion into water symbolizes that the person being baptized dies to sin and is reborn to new life in Christ, purified and sanctified. In Baptism, we are freed from original sins and our personal sins are forgiven.
Before having your child baptized, you will need to choose one or two individuals to serve as a godparent. The godparent is meant to be a role model, setting a good example of what it means to live a faithful Catholic life and a companion on the journey of faith. Therefore, the individual you choose as your child's godparent must be a fully initiated Catholic, which means they have received all three Sacraments of Initiation — Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. They should be 16 years of age or older and be actively practicing and living their faith. If you choose to have two godparents, at least one of the two individuals must meet the above requirements.
Baptism for Children 7+
Baptism for children aged 7 and up is a slightly different process, called RCIC (Rite of Initiation for Children). These children attend classes to better understand what the sacraments are, and they are baptized at the Easter Vigil Mass.
The Sacrament of Baptism is normally celebrated within the weekend Masses or a private baptism can be arranged with the parish priest. Please call the parish office (503-631-2882) with any questions or to make an appointment.
Baptismal Inquiry Form